My favorite weapon was the trident, obtained by breaking them off various statues throughout the skyscraper. You shift around behind enemies, smacking them upside the head with metal bars as they fly through windows. Throughout the first half of the game, I couldn’t help but feel like a badass superhero. Which is not a bad thing by any means: I found myself chuckling at the game’s banter. Any game where you can one-shot enemies by throwing keyboards at them clearly doesn’t take itself TOO seriously. The storyline is there to give players an inkling of a reason behind all of this shifting and punching while providing witty tongue-in-cheek humor. Diablo IV review in progress: Successfully modernizing the franchise.Street Fighter 6 World Tour Mode is everything I love about fighting games.Amnesia: The Bunker review: Good but not great.Layers of Fear remake review: Are the changes for the better?.

Super Mega Baseball 4 review: A solid base hit up the middle.Granted the levels are pretty short, averaging maybe fifteen minutes each, so it didn’t result in too much lost time. Your game file only saves between entire levels, which I found out the hard way. They only act as a reset point for when you die. However, these checkpoints do not save your game between runs. Shifty is very generous with its checkpointing system, as nearly every door to a new room is a checkpoint. Throughout the majority of the game, though, this isn’t actually too much of a hindrance. This repetition becomes more and more noticeable in the later stages of Mr.
Sometimes this made for overly repetitive gameplay, as I found myself having to redo the early parts of levels several times so that I could figure out how to beat the latter part of them. You might have a flawless plan for the first half of a level, only to realize the second half requires a completely different strategy.
And as levels become increasingly difficult, the game starts to almost become an exercise of trial and error. One stray bullet hits you and you will have to restart. You have to maintain a constant knowledge of where your enemies are, quickly figure out a plan of attack, and then execute that plan with little to no room for error. The controls feel natural and intuitive, which helps give players a very visceral feeling as you teleport behind enemies and punch them out of windows. This gives the game an extremely basic control scheme that you can quickly pick up and understand with ease. You can also pick up a varying arsenal of weapons such as rods or poles, which you can either throw from afar or use in melee combat. Shifty has two basic moves: shifting (teleporting) and punching. Shifty‘s take on a violent overhead brawler results in quite a different game, for better and for worse. The top-down shooter’s gameplay style draws painfully obvious parallels to Hotline Miami. The expert thief and master of teleportation can shift his way in and out of trouble, Nightcrawler style. Like so many older comic book and video game heroes before him, the eponymous Mr.
Platforms: PC (Version reviewed), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch Shifty is filled with fast-paced action and combat that will leave you feeling like a badass superhero.