CONTAINED The status of a wildfire suppression action signifying that a control line has been completed around the fire, and any associated spot fires, which can reasonably be expected to stop the fires spread. Search your area for frequently updated wildfire data to provide you with the latest fire news available, like new large wildfires, acres burned, and more. Terms Defined ACTIVE Any fire that has not been called 'out'. On Monday afternoon, the municipality of St-Lambert, along the Ontario border in Abitibi, declared a state of emergency and ordered its 200 residents to leave their homes. Click on the image below to open the Tennessee Wildfire Public Viewer. What is Wildfire Smoke and Can it Make Me Sick Coughing Trouble breathing normally Stinging eyes A scratchy throat Runny nose Irritated sinuses Wheezing. With rain forecast for the Côte-Nord, Legault said he is now most worried about the Abitibi, where no rain is expected for five days. It said on Twitter that no residences had yet been destroyed, though some cottages may have burned. Yellow Flame Being held (BH): given current weather conditions and. Later in the day, officials said the intensity of the fire in the area had exceeded the capacity of water bombers, but it was continuing to work to protect the community. Out of control (OC): the wildfire is burning and is expected to continue growing. The contents are updated on five minute intervals and generated by the Central Command dispatch system. “We are going to be obliged to let Clova burn.” Authorities said the community’s 36 residents have been evacuated. A listing of archived incidents must be requested via NOTE: The result (s) page contains current information about active incidents being handled by Fire, Police, and EMS Personnel. “Unfortunately, we lost control,” Legault said. Legault said no lives have been lost in the fires in Quebec, but firefighters were forced to pull back from the hamlet of Clova, Quebec, around 325 kilometers (201 miles) northwest of Montreal. Fires have forced about 10,000 people from their homes in Quebec, with most of those in the northwestern Abitibi region and the eastern Côte-Nord region.